Mangal Grah Shanti Jap


Mars is associated with person’s drive, assertiveness, and competitive nature, courage, strength, anger, bravery and physical energy. It also represents a person’s ability to take on challenges, leadership, face obstacles, and start new initiatives. It rules the zodiac sign Aries and . In Astrology it is god of Courage. To minimalize ill-effects of Mangal Dev/ Grah in your Kundali (Horoscope/ Birth chart), Mangal Jap is suggested. This starts on a Tuesday and goes on for approx. 10 days.

What constitute this Puja :

Jap Sankalp Puja
Mantra Jap
Jap Samarpan Puja

Performed by : 1 Pandit(s)
Time Required : 2 Hrs per day for approx. for 10 days.

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Grah Shanti Jap is suggested to please a Navgrah and make it favorable for the Jatak. The Mantra Jap turns the ill-effects of a grah placed in an inauspicious house or in bad conjunctions in the Kundali (Horoscope/ Birth chart).

When to perform : If Mangal (Mars) is giving you malefic effects, due to its placement in your Kundali, You are advised to get a Mantra Jap performed to make Mangal favorable and to avoid its bad effects. Most of the time the Jap Sankalp is done on a Tuesday and Jap starts from the same day.

Benefits : Helps remove issues with person’s drive, assertiveness, and competitive nature, courage, strength, anger, bravery and physical energy. It is said –

ग्रहाः राज्यं प्रयच्छन्ति, ग्रहाः राज्यं हरन्ति च ।
ग्रहैर्व्याप्तमिदं   सर्वं   त्रैलोक्यं   सचराचरम् ।।

Means, If the planets are favorable in the horoscope, then they provide happiness in the kingdom and if the same planets are in an unfavorable position in the horoscope, then they snatch away the kingdom. That is why it is said that this world is under the control of the planets.


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